Precise positioning
At AISIN Mobility, thanks to our navigation DNA, we have developed expertise in precise positioning for highly automated driving. We can position vehicles with high accuracy and provide live information on road conditions and hazards. We are even developing technology to position vehicles with lane-level accuracy when there is no GPS signal !
For highly automated driving, mistakes can be lethal. Positioning must be precise down to a few centimeters and constantly available.
At Aisin Mobility, we fuse several technologies using existing in-vehicle odometry, cameras and sensors to achieve reliable, lane-level map-matching. Our localisation technology is designed to function even where there are no maps or no satellite signals.
High-precision map-matching
Map-matching is the science of matching recorded geographic coordinates to an existing map.
Use cases related to safety features and autonomous driving require that the map-matching is both extremely rapid and extremely precise. Map-matching must be reliable to lane-level and with no latency.
Aisin Mobility achieves this speed and accuracy through our proprietary map-matching library that can support both embedded positioning systems in a vehicle and online cloud architectures.
Real-time data fusion
Our in-vehicle map-matching leverages information from available cameras and sensors and fuses them for accurate positioning, producing a single, precise vehicle trace in real time.
Where there is no GPS signal … and no map …
The lack of any usable satellite signal is common inside buildings or structures made from concrete. Localizing a vehicle within such structures is often known as indoor navigation. Several applications and use cases can thus be enabled, for example:
Precise navigation in built-up urban areas, tunnels, multi-level roads
Precise navigation inside parking lots for:
Autonomous valet parking
Vehicle localization for car-sharing companies
Vehicle localization for delivery companies
Pedestrian indoor navigation in large premises, such as airports, hospitals
At AISIN Mobility, we develop in-house technology and work with partners to provide the latest, most accurate indoor positioning, adapting our approach based on the use case and the availability (or not) of indoor maps.
Creating HD map content
Map quality is critical for next generation navigation systems. Maps need to be accurate and with a much higher definition. This is to support future mobility needs, like autonomous driving.
Additional road and infrastructure characteristics need to be provided:
Long-term: road condition, potholes, road signs
Temporary: slippery roads, real-time traffic, obstacles, ghost drivers or other hazards
At Aisin Mobility, our high-performance map-matching and data fusion algorithms enable us to capture and process data from moving vehicles that can be used to enrich HD maps. Lane-level positioning means that drivers receive more precise information about their specific surroundings.
The speed and accuracy of our technology enables live services including road conditions communication and emergency warnings.
We assist our customers in generating their own, proprietary data, thus reducing costs associated with having to purchase that data.
Why trust us?
At AISIN Mobility, navigation and positioning is our core business. We launched the world’s first navigation with audio guidance with Toyota / Lexus in 1992. We were also the first to launch hybrid navigation technology. We have developed proprietary map-matching technology with lane-level precision to enable autonomous driving, with or without GPS signals and maps.
Global reach
We have a track record of delivering and maintaining navigation and positioning systems in the global market place, accounting for regional technical and legal complexities.
We are always looking to extend our network of business and technology partners in the area of advanced positioning and indoor navigation.